The Low-Down on Fermented Tea, Part III: Glucuronic Acid
In the previous post, The Low-Down on Fermented Tea, Part II: Metabolism & Detoxification, we discussed metabolism on a physiological scale, while circumnavigating the complexities of how this is accomplished on a cellular level. We did however introduce the chemical compound glucuronic acid (GA); which is itself the metabolite of such complex cellular metabolic pathways. Namely, those of the symbiotic culture in kombucha, or "the mother", as well as that of the uronic acid pathway in liver cytoplasm - the later of which being our endogenous source of GA.
The metabolism of tea and sugar compounds in a kombucha fermentation is perhaps an excellent means of producing compounds with therapeutic effects for us humans, but will they be produced at adequate levels and with the same bio-compatibility as those endogenous to us (e.g. GA produced in the liver)? If not, do we have any way of manipulating this?
Metabolism Thermodynamics - "maintaining the balance"
"The organism is not a static, isolated from the exterior, system that always contains identical components. Rather, it is an open system in a (quasi) stationary, or steady, state that retains its mass relations under permanent exchange of substances and energies building it, the state where some components persistently arrive from outside while other components are persistently leaving."
"Hence there is indeed something essential that should be received by all of us with food. This is not however the simple energy, but rather the thermodynamic free energy contained in it. A minimum amount of free energy has to be consumed each day in order that a biological organism survives; to overcome the effect of persistent entropy production in the steady state."
- Ludwig von Bertalannfy
Glucuronic Acid
Glucuronic acid (GA) has two primarily beneficial functions when we discuss health benefits: as building blocks for glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycan synthesis, and glucuronidation (phase II metabolism, or conjugation, of lipophilic xeno- and endo-biotics).
Glucuronic acid (GA) is an organic acid which was first isolated in urine (hence the root name).
Glucuronic Acid - 2D Structure
An organic acid is simply an organic compound with acidic properties; and no, we don't mean organic as in it is grown without the use of pesticides, man-made fertilizers, feed additives, or growth regulators. An organic molecule is one containing carbon atoms.
Uronic Acid Pathway
Endogenous GA Via UDP-α-D-Glucuronic Acid
Endogenous production of the active form of GA is carried out in vivo in the liver cytoplasm, via the uronic acid pathway. The uronic acid pathway is fundamentally an alternative for the oxidation of glucose, or glycolytic pathway. Unlike the glycolytic pathway, which is used as a major source of cellular energy, no ATP is produced from the uronic acid pathway (see below for a more detailed representation).
Uronic Acid Pathway & Metabolism
As you can see from the above diagram, the active UDP-α-D-glucuronic acid is utilized for several purposes, following phosphorylation and hydration, (i.e. Phase 2 metabolism conjugation reactions and GAG formation).
Phase 2 Metabolism Involving GA - The Cellular Mechanism
So, at this point we have shown how to obtain the active form of GA endogenously, by means of UDP-α-D-glucuronic acid production via the uronic acid pathway, and exogenously via diet (e.g. kombucha). Now we will discuss how these compounds are actually used for metabolism, at a cellular level.
Active Form of GA for Use in Metabolism
Recall from our previous post, The Low-Down on Fermented Tea, Part II: Metabolism & Detoxification, that the human body uses GA conjugation to make compounds such as alcohols, phenols, carboxylic acids, mercaptans, primary and secondary aliphatic amines, and carbamates more water-soluble; allowing for their subsequent excretion from the body through urine or faeces at a significantly increased rate.
Cellular Mechanism for Phase 2 Metabolism
Recall, GA conjugation is a Phase 2 metabolism reaction in which GA acts as a conjugation molecule and binds to a substrate. This occurs via the catalysis of glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs). First, in a series of reactions, the co-substrate UDP-α-D-glucuronic acid (UDPGA) is formed. The UGTs then catalyze the transfer of GA from UDPGA to another substrate (i.e. xeno- or endo-biotic), resulting in a glucuronidated substrate (conjugated metabolite) and leaving uridine 5'-diphosphate (UDP).
Example of GA Conjugation Reaction:
UDPGA + Xenobiotic (a Phenol) + UGTs = glucuronidated substrate (conjugated metabolite) + UDP
Enzymatic kinetics studies have indicated that these enzymes follow a random sequential mechanism. UGTs are located in the endoplasmic reticulum, and their biosynthesis can be induced by a number of drugs and xenobiotics. Some forms of UGTs are coordinately induced with cytochromes P450 (CYP450) (11).
Xenobiotic-metabolizing UGTs comprise two subfamilies: UGT1 contains a single gene while UGT2 is a multi-gene family. They instantiate different ways of generating diversity. For UGT2, diversity is generated by the conventional mechanism of having multiple individual genes, but diversity in the UGT1 family is generated by an unusual mechanism involving alternative mRNA splicing. There is only one UGT1 gene (UGT1A1, located on chromosome 2), but this encodes both phenol and bilirubin UGTs. The specificity-determining region of the gene is encoded by exon 1. However due to the variability in exon 1 sequencing, and splicing with other exons, enzymes with different specificities can be generated from a single gene (9,12).
Of course, when diving into genetics, especially in relation to health benefits, one must re-iterate the individuality of such an analysis (i.e. single nucleotide polymorphisms being able to alter the functionality of proteins and enzymes).
Exogenous vs. Endogenous
Recall how we made the assumptions that both sources of GA (exogenous and endogenous) were equally as active? This was solely for the sake of describing how the chemical is utilized for metabolism on a cellular level. This is in fact not true. Utilizing carbon-14 labelling, studies have shown that administration of exogenous GA is in fact not very efficient; with roughly 50% lost, un-conjugated, in urine and another 30-35% lost as carbon dioxide through respiration. That being said, a large portion of the remainder was found to be conjugated, with a small percentage (~1%) remaining in the liver (13). These experiments did not consider timing of intake in relation to meal, or xenobiotic, intake; which would perhaps increase the necessity of exogenous GA, as endogenous sources are drained. This would be especially important in the case of drug over-consumption.
Concluding Remarks on GA
The bulk of the discussion on kombucha thus far has led to this technical crescendo surrounding the GA. Our hopes with this discussion has been: (a) to introduce the necessary scientific principles to be able to discuss health benefits of kombucha; (b) to introduce the most promising potential health benefit of kombucha; and (c) to underscore the complex nature of such a topic and the need of us as consumers, and vendors, to be more inquisitive and approach product claims with more scrutiny.
This isn't to say that kombucha consumption does not present the possibility for health benefits, in fact I believe the opposite. I do believe however that the manner of its preparation, as well as its consumption, is deterministic in its beneficial nature. Most importantly, with the inefficiency of incorporating exogenous GA into the metabolic pathways, the levels of GA obtained from kombucha fermentation must be maximized. Adequate levels must be determined, and monitored analytically, before a company can draw conclusions on any associated health benefits. Like most things, it's not black or white, good or bad, it falls somewhere in between.
Summary Points
GA has two primarily beneficial functions when we discuss health benefits: building blocks for GAGs and proteoglycan synthesis and phase II metabolism of lipophilic xeno- and endo-biotics.
GA is obtained in our liver cells via UDP-α-D-GA, by means of the uronic acid pathway.
GA can be obtained by outside means via dietary supplementation, such as kombucha consumption.
Endogenous GA production involves the use of enzymes and its efficiency is therefore dependent on individual factors such as epigenetics, genetic polymorphisms and diet.
GA obtained from outside sources is not likely incorporated into metabolic function with high efficiency and supplementation may only be required at certain times (i.e. endogenous depletion of GA).
Timing of exogenous GA consumption is important to consider - perhaps wait to drink kombucha until after a large meal or following expected exposure to toxins/toxicans requiring expelling.
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